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A member registered Sep 19, 2019

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Very nice mechanic! Art was very cute I love the style, and I actually did have to redo a room at one point while learning the mechanic but overall very straightforward! Very good job.

This is a very good note, thank you for playing and thank you for the positivity!

Thank you so much for the feedback, its my first experience with designing sound for a game so hearing that you liked it is well appreciated and I'm glad you had fun!

Very cool, just requires some polish. There were many instances of awkward navigating around switches, walking over ledges that would lead to my character getting a little buggy, and the character needs to be in the foreground for some interactions (such as standing in the doorway). Very good work!

Overall a fun mechanic to choose and use! It didn't feel well incorporated for many outplay abilities (I never REALLY found myself needing to use it but it made cool style moments), and I loved the counter at the end and the motivation to try again :)

A really adorable game! The royalty free music felt a bit too frantic for what feels like it should have been a more relaxed gameplay experience (I never played the inspiration for the jam entry) but overall I thought it was cute and a very creative choice for the jam!